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2018.extrao.fr/?rewrite_query=minie&&model=410&redirect=1&langc=en Home > Système > Rayonex > Catalogue Rayonex

The shield for electrosensitive people! It combines the historic effectiveness of the original Mini-Rayonex, proven by several independent medical studies, with a brand-new ability to integrate customized programs: it targets the deregulations linked to natural or artificial electromagnetic disturbances and the main physiological disorders they can cause.

Mini-Rayonex E+ - The all-new Mini-Rayonex E is the shield for electrosensitive people ! It combines the historic effectiveness of the original Mini-Rayonex with programs specially designed to regulate disturbances linked to natural and artificial networks, 4G, 5G, meters...
180 € net


Veuillez noter que nos conseils et informations ne peuvent remplacer la visite chez un médecin. Sachez par ailleurs, que la médecine officielle en France n'accepte, ni ne reconnaît les effets des fréquences bioénergétiques jusqu'à présent.

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